September 27, 2008

Nothing but perfect love

If I speak all the languages of men and of angels,
I love missing, but that would not be bronze resonate
and bell playing. Whether to have the gift of prophecy, knowing
secret things with all kinds of knowledge, and would
as much faith to move mountains, but I do not love,
I am nothing. If you share everything I own to the poor and whether
delivered to my own body, but not for love, but to
receive praise, I gain nothing.
Love is patient, helpful and without envy. He does not want to pretend
nor does the important. Not acting with baseness, or seek their
own interest. Love can not be carried away by anger, but
forgives and forgets offenses. Never was glad something unjust
and always tells the truth. The apology love everything, every thought,
everything expected and everything is carrying.
Love never happen. Pass the prophecies, quiet languages
and lost consciousness. Because knowledge, like
that the prophecies, things are not finished. And when it arrives
perfect, as imperfect disappear.

1 Corinthians 13, 1-10.

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